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Піньята Єдинороги, коло 49 см.

605 uah
  • New

Піньята Парфюм, 74 х 52 см.

850 uah
  • New

Піньята Тачки Макквин, коло,50 см.

605 uah

Піньята Гаррі Поттер, коло,50 см.

715 uah

Піньята Аріель, коло,49 см.

605 uah

Піньята Лимон, 50 х 30 см,

715 uah

Piñata Avocado, 50 x 70 cm

850 uah

Piñata Minion Dave, layer 45 cm.

715 uah

Піньята Genshin Impact, коло 49 см.

715 uah

Piñata Brawl Stars, circle, 50 cm

605 uah

Piñata Puzzle, circle, 48 cm.

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Pinata Black cat, 63x70 cm.

715 uah

Pinata Dinosaur 68x51 cm

850 uah

Piñata Disco-Shar, 3-D, 60 cm.

850 uah

Piñata Instagram, circle, 48 cm.

605 uah

Pinata TNT -2, square, 35x27x35 cm.

715 uah

Піньята Куромі - 2, коло 49 см.

605 uah

Pinata Pineapple 105x39 cm

715 uah

Piñata Pizza 105x39 cm

715 uah

Піньята Wednesday Венздей - 2, коло, 47 см.

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Піньята Стіч -3, 68х86 см.

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Піньята Гітара, велика , Люкс

850 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 850 uah

Піньята ТокаБока, середня , Люкс

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Піньята Стіч, велика , Люкс

850 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 850 uah

Піньята Стіч, середня, Люкс

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Rocket, medium, Deluxe

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Piñata Unicorn, medium, Deluxe

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Brawl Stars, Medium, Deluxe

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Kuromi, medium, 50x70 cm

850 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 850 uah

Piñata Paw Patrol, medium, Deluxe

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Cat pink medium Deluxe

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Football Suite, large

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Piñata Wednesday Wednesday and hand, large

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Piñata Football Suite, large

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Spider-Man Deluxe, large

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Piñata Pink Luxe cat, large

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Piñata Bottle of Champagne Lux, large

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Piñata Mr. Pee-Pee Medium, Deluxe

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata Justice League Medium, Suite

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Piñata bat

110 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 110 uah

Piñata deluxe in assortment

715 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 715 uah

Pinata TNT medium deluxe

605 uah

Pieces in a package: 1

Price for unit: 605 uah

Піньята Літера, 100 х 60 см.

850 uah
  • New
  • Out-of-Stock

Піньята Куромі серце 55 см

715 uah
  • New
  • Out-of-Stock

Піньята Кукли Лол, шар 60 см.

715 uah
  • Out-of-Stock

A piñata is a decorative object, often made of paper mache or cardboard, filled with candy, toys, and other small gifts. It is used as entertainment at holidays and celebrations. Traditionally, the piñata is hung from a rope and blindfolded participants, usually children, try to break it with a stick to get the contents.

Description of the piñata:

1. Material: Paper mache, cardboard, fabric and decorative elements.

2. Shape: Variety of shapes - animals, stars, hearts, favorite cartoon characters and others.

3. Sizes: Vary from small ones suitable for home parties to large ones used at mass events.

4. Decor: Bright and colorful decorations made of fixed paper, foil, sequins and other materials.

5. Filling: Candies, small toys, confetti and other small gifts.

6. Application: It is hung on a rope and the participants take turns trying to break it with a stick to get the contents.

7. Maintenance: a one-time item that is broken at the event.

Advantages of piñata:

- Entertainment: Great entertainment for children and adults that brings a lot of joy and fun.

- Creative element: You can do it yourself, which adds individuality and uniqueness.

- Elements of surprise: the excitement of anticipation inside the piñata.

- Decorative element: A bright and colorful object that decorates any event.

Traditional use:

- Mexican Holidays: The piñata has a special meaning in Mexican culture and is traditionally used on holidays such as birthdays and Christmas.

- Modern parties: The piñata has become popular in many countries and is used in various celebrations, including children's birthday parties, corporate events and weddings.